Sites Using The Engine
Sample Sites using The Engine:The site listed below is a simple 'imaginary store' that you can use as templates for setting up your own or see how the system works. Feel free to place a sample order, but be advised the system requires a valid credit card (which is immediately erased since this is a fake site) to demonstrate our security features.
- Bob's Bar-B-Que Sauces #1 - a straightforward and basic site using URLs to reference the Engine.
Real Sites using The Engine: The sites below belong to merchants using ICorp's online ordering Engine. These implementations demonstrate powerful features such as a centralized product database, customized ordering headers and footers, etc.
NOTE: - The sites below belong to real merchants; we encourage you to peruse their site but don't recommend placing any "fake" orders - if you wish to do so, use the sample sites.
For the most up-to-date listing of VOE merchants check out our portal site:!
- Cafe Du Monde - World famous New Orleans institution using our custom product inventory front end.
- Aunt Sally's Pralines - Another fancy interface for the VOE, integrated with Mail Order Manager on the back end.
- The Praline Connection - An internationally-renown soul food restaurant chain goes online with cultural and cajun spices, sauces, gifts & more. This site demonstrates a nicely-organized FORM interface to the VOE with a "master product list", custom styles and changeable quantities.
- CajunLand Seasonings - A standard online store; nothing fancy but very effective.