ICorp Online Ordering System

VOE Summary Sales Reports!

Each month (or whenever you'd like) the system e-mails you a summary report of your activity. We're continually enhancing the system so there is always more to come. Here are a few samples: (which are representative of actual VOE sales)

  Based on data on file from 05/20/97 to 08/30/97 (102 days)

  Merchant ID: mysite

  There are 4 distinct months on file showing sales activity.
  The most recent active month, August shows sales of $21666.38
  which is 138.78% of the average monthly sales ($15611.79)
  and a 122.12% of the last month's (July) sales ($17742.41).

========== Totals ==========
Total Days       :       102 (# of unique days when orders were placed)
Actual Days      :       102 (time from start to current)
Avg Daily Sales  :    612.23
Avg # Sales/Day  :      9.51
Avg Monthly Sales:  15611.79
Avg # Sales/Month:    242.50
Rejected Orders  :        51 (duplicates)
Orders           :       970
Subtotal         :  55650.10
Freight          :   6408.75
X Charges        :    388.34
TOTAL            :  62447.18

Monthly Sales Activity
     Month:         Total:
         January      0.00 |
        February      0.00 |
           March      0.00 |
           April      0.00 |
             May   5464.40 |xxx
            June  17573.99 |xxxxxxxxxxx
            July  17742.41 |xxxxxxxxxxx
          August  21666.38 |xxxxxxxxxxxxx
       September      0.00 |
         October      0.00 |
        November      0.00 |
        December      0.00 |
Total Sales:   $  62447.18

Day-of-Week Activity Report
Day:    Count:  % of Total:
Sun      125      ( 12.9%) |xxxxx
Mon      145      ( 14.9%) |xxxxx
Tue      147      ( 15.2%) |xxxxxx
Wed      138      ( 14.2%) |xxxxx
Thu      136      ( 14.0%) |xxxxx
Fri      147      ( 15.2%) |xxxxxx
Sat      132      ( 13.6%) |xxxxx

Hourly Activity Report
Top Hour: 18:00 (72 orders)
Time:   Count:  % of Total:
00:00       51     (  5.3%) |xx
01:00       43     (  4.4%) |x
02:00       23     (  2.4%) |
03:00       19     (  2.0%) |
04:00       13     (  1.3%) |
05:00       20     (  2.1%) |
06:00       19     (  2.0%) |
07:00       16     (  1.6%) |
08:00       32     (  3.3%) |x
09:00       32     (  3.3%) |x
10:00       43     (  4.4%) |x
11:00       40     (  4.1%) |x
12:00       44     (  4.5%) |x
13:00       40     (  4.1%) |x
14:00       57     (  5.9%) |xx
15:00       40     (  4.1%) |x
16:00       40     (  4.1%) |x
17:00       62     (  6.4%) |xx
18:00       72     (  7.4%) |xx
19:00       51     (  5.3%) |xx
20:00       53     (  5.5%) |xx
21:00       67     (  6.9%) |xx
22:00       41     (  4.2%) |x
23:00       52     (  5.4%) |xx
Total:     970

Here is another report - with line-item sales information on your clients:
  Based on data on file from 05/20/97 to 08/25/97 (97 days)

  Merchant ID: orleans

  There are 4 distinct months on file showing sales activity.
  The most recent active month, August shows sales of $397.27
  which is 115.27% of the average monthly sales ($344.63)
  and a 98.84% of the last month's (July) sales ($401.92).

========== Totals ==========
Total Days       :        31 (# of unique days when orders were placed)
Actual Days      :        97 (time from start to current)
Avg Daily Sales  :     14.21
Avg # Sales/Day  :      0.43
Avg Monthly Sales:    344.63
Avg # Sales/Month:     10.50
Rejected Orders  :         0 (duplicates)
Orders           :        42
Subtotal         :   1123.03
Freight          :    249.94
X Charges        :      5.55
TOTAL            :   1378.52

Monthly Sales Activity
     Month:         Total:
         January      0.00 |
        February      0.00 |
           March      0.00 |
           April      0.00 |
             May    232.17 |xxxxxx
            June    347.16 |xxxxxxxxxx
            July    401.92 |xxxxxxxxxxx
          August    397.27 |xxxxxxxxxxx
       September      0.00 |
         October      0.00 |
        November      0.00 |
        December      0.00 |
Total Sales:   $   1378.52

Day-of-Week Activity Report
Day:    Count:  % of Total:
Sun        9      ( 21.4%) |xxxxxxxx
Mon        9      ( 21.4%) |xxxxxxxx
Tue        4      (  9.5%) |xxx
Wed        5      ( 11.9%) |xxxx
Thu        6      ( 14.3%) |xxxxx
Fri        5      ( 11.9%) |xxxx
Sat        4      (  9.5%) |xxx

Hourly Activity Report
Top Hour: 08:00 (5 orders)
Time:   Count:  % of Total:
00:00        1     (  2.4%) |
01:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
02:00        0     (  0.0%) |
03:00        0     (  0.0%) |
04:00        0     (  0.0%) |
05:00        0     (  0.0%) |
06:00        0     (  0.0%) |
07:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
08:00        5     ( 11.9%) |xxxx
09:00        3     (  7.1%) |xx
10:00        0     (  0.0%) |
11:00        3     (  7.1%) |xx
12:00        4     (  9.5%) |xxx
13:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
14:00        4     (  9.5%) |xxx
15:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
16:00        3     (  7.1%) |xx
17:00        1     (  2.4%) |
18:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
19:00        1     (  2.4%) |
20:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
21:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
22:00        2     (  4.8%) |x
23:00        1     (  2.4%) |
Total:      42

Line-Item Sales Report (overview of all orders on file)

Date:    Time:  Total:         Name:              City:      State:
05/20/97 19:08   27.94         Bruce Dozier          Eugene,         OR
05/21/97 13:48   28.02  Arthur T. Hagen Sr.          Sedona,    Arizona
05/22/97 08:20   40.50          Tony Butler           Tulsa,         OK
05/25/97 01:38   27.02      Jerry Kochaniuk        Amarillo,      Texas
05/25/97 21:35   28.02        Alan H Packer    Medical Lake,         WA
05/27/97 09:06   37.11   Jeffrey S. Ledford     Baton Rouge,         LA
05/28/97 14:20   20.53       Trudi Davidoff   Margaretville,         NY
05/28/97 21:32   23.03      J. Marc Lampert      Alexandria,         LA
06/03/97 11:46   22.53        Joseph Minton        Kingwood,         TX
06/07/97 01:12   40.50  James Kevin Sanders        Big Lake,     Alaska
06/07/97 11:13   37.97           Mark Baker        St. Rose,         LA
06/07/97 13:06   13.50      Stephanie Greer         Alameda,         CA
06/10/97 18:54   21.45       Ralph Menapace     Southampton,   New York
06/15/97 17:29   39.43          John D Goad    Randallstown,         MD
06/18/97 15:28   35.51    Duncan A. Simpson           Plano,         TX
06/20/97 14:58   35.51  Arthur T. Hagen Sr.          Sedona,    Arizona
06/27/97 15:55   21.45      CECIL NICKERSON        BEAUMONT,    ALBERTA
06/27/97 23:01   36.31       Patricia Norko          Louisa,         VA
07/02/97 07:18   28.94        marie ellwood       TEHACHAPI,         CA
07/04/97 16:37   29.02        Samuel French     Studio City,         CA
07/08/97 12:13   43.43           Mark Baker        St. Rose,         LA
07/08/97 18:09   39.51       Patricia Norko          Louisa,         VA
07/10/97 08:02   20.99   Lawrence Shovelton      Travis AFB,         CA
07/11/97 12:27   45.78            Jim Scott     St. Charles,         IL
07/12/97 00:52   30.34        David B. West      Carrollton,         GA
07/16/97 12:55   32.40      James R. Biddle          Dayton,         OH
07/16/97 20:26   24.45         kathy cooper        manassas,         va
07/19/97 08:27   47.84         Gene Hawkins        Oregonia,         OH
07/23/97 16:57   12.04     Graham L. Barron      Alexandria,    Virgina
07/24/97 11:55   47.18  Arthur T. Hagen Sr.          Sedona,    Arizona
08/04/97 08:43   23.45       Kevin M. Heinz College Station,      Texas
08/04/97 14:24   18.53        Frank A. Fear          Albion,         MI
08/12/97 20:34   36.83           Mark Baker        St. Rose,         LA
08/14/97 08:09   31.40      J. Marc Lampert      Alexandria,         LA
08/16/97 22:25   22.79       Marvin Jackson        Savannah,         GA
08/19/97 09:02   69.49      Carlton Bledsoe          Linden, New Jersey
08/19/97 16:29   39.35           Mike Perry        Metairie,         LA
08/24/97 14:35   58.20     Walter R Sullins      Huntsville,         AL
08/24/97 22:37   27.94 Annjanette Christian         Kolonia,           
08/25/97 07:42   21.45     Gordon H. Hadden          Denver,         NC
08/25/97 12:33   47.84            Larry Fox       Pensacola,         FL